Wednesday, June 20, 2007

We've all let the Council down

For many of you a quiet night in might include a glass of wine and the TV but for us committed lunatics at Greenwich Watch only a copy of the Corporate and Performance Plan will do (okay a beer too but we’ve got to lift our spirits somehow).

A copy of this document which lays out targets for the Council has been handily passed to us and it reveals that not all great works of fiction need words – numbers are often just as imaginary. Our favourite numbers this evening are the results of the residents’ survey which reveals how badly let down the Council is by us, the voters!

According to a survey the percentage of residents who agree that ‘The Council involves residents when making decisions’ has dropped from 51% to 44% and the percentage who think that people can get on well together in their local area has fallen from 77% to 69%. How should the Council respond to this? Do another survey of course stupid!

It seems we're now paying for TNS (some company that apparently does surveys) to do another survey to figure out why the number has dropped. Might we suggest some ideas - Plumstead Manor Compulsory Purchase order, lack of consultation on John Roan or closing the contra-flow Blackwall Tunnel without telling anyone for starters?

Perhaps, if they actually tried listening to people the number might go up. Alternatively it could just be us stupid residents who don't realise how great the Council is.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

We haven't just let the council down, we've let ourselves down! we should all go away and think about what we've done.

1:11 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

*hangs head in shame*

4:25 pm  

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